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Welcome to Pinakastra Computing!

The fast path to Digital Transformation.

IT infrastructures are no longer considered just business-supporting cost centers. They have become critical, business-driving profit centers that fuel Innovation, differentiation, competitive insights, and new possibilities.To get there, IT is moving away from single-purpose, siloed infrastructure to modern, cloud architectures that are self-monitoring, self-optimizing, and self-healing.

Why HCI ?

An easy way to think about an HCI platform is a "Cloud in a Box." In other words, an HCI platform has everything you need in a modern cloud in a server -processing, memory, storage, networking, as well as software virtualization, automation, and orchestration-that can be easily scaled horizontally across multiple HCI platforms. That makes it easier to realize the cloud agility, economics, scalability, and innovation that leading organizations crave.

What Makes Great HCI Platform ?

Large memory capacity

Large memory capacity is essential for maximizing workload consolidation and handling today's vast datasets efficiently. It enables concurrent execution of multiple applications, smooth operation of memory-intensive workloads like data analytics and machine learning, and ensures responsiveness and scalability for evolving workload requirements.

Outstanding Compute Performance and Headroom

Outstanding compute performance and ample headroom are essential for efficient workload consolidation and future scalability.Robust compute capabilities ensure smooth handling of peak demands and enable the adoption of emerging technologies like AI and real-time analytics. Investing in reliable hardware with built-in redundancy minimizes downtime and optimizes operational efficiency

Easy Scalability and High Density

Easy scalability and high density optimize resource management and reduce costs. Scalable platforms expand seamlessly, while high density maximizes space utilization, cutting down on data center sprawl and energy usage. This fosters sustainability and agility, helping organizations stay competitive by adapting swiftly to evolving demands.

Fast I/O, networking and storage

Ensuring smooth operation requires not just processing power, but also the ability to move data quickly. High-performance I/O, networking, and storage are crucial for efficient data transfer across your infrastructure, minimizing bottlenecks and allowing for future growth

HCI Deployment Growth is Exploding

In today's data-driven world, organizations require IT infrastructure that can not only process information but also move it rapidly. To achieve this, high-performance compute performance, scalability, easy to manage platforms, fast I/O, networking, and storage are all essential. By implementing these features, businesses can optimize their data centers for efficiency, scalability, and future growth.

Technical Specifications Cirrus (Model -PIN-HCI-16-256-12) Stratus (Model -PIN-HCI-24-512-24)
CPU Dual Intel Xeon E5-2667 v4 Processor Dual Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 Processor
Cores/Threads/Cache/Base Frequency 8C/16T/25M/2.8GHz 12C/24T/30M/2.5GHz
Motherboard Gigabyte Gigabyte
RAM 256 GB (ECC) (DDR4) 512 GB (ECC) (DDR4)
GPU None None
NVMe (M.2) 256GB x2 (RAID 1) 256GB x2 (RAID 1)
Raid COntroller 9361-8i (12GBPS) 9361-8i (12GBPS)
HDD 4TB x3 = 12TB (RAID5) 6TB x4 =24TB (RAID5)
NIC2 10GBPS (N) 10GBPS (N)
PSU Dual Power Supply (Y) Dual Power Supply (Y)
Form Factor 1U 1U
No. of Bays 4 4
vCPU 256 512
RAM 384 GB DDR4 768 GB DDR4
Storage (Block, Object & FileSystem) 4 TB Unified Storage 8 TB Unified Storage
Connection 4 TB Unified Storage 1 GBit/s-Port
Average VM size 2 vCPU, 4GB RAM & 20 GB HDD
Total Virtual Server 96 192
Category AltoCumulus (Model -PIN-HCI-48-1024-48) CirroCumulus (Model -PIN-HCI-128-1024-32)
CPU Dual Intel Xeon Platinum 8259cl Processor Dual AMD EPYC 7742 Processor
Cores/Threads/Cache/Base Frequency 24C/48T/35.75M/2.4GHz 64C/128T/256M/2.25GHz
MotherBoard Asus Asus
GPU None None
NVMe (M.2) 256GB x2 (RAID 1) 256GB x2 (RAID 1)
Raid Controller 9361-8i (12GBPS) 9361-8i (12GBPS)
HDD 12TB X 4 = 48TB (RAID5) 8TB X 4 (SSD) (RAID5)
NIC2 10GBPS (N) 10GBPS (N)
PSU Dual Power Supply (Y) Dual Power Supply (Y)
Form Factor 1U 1U
No.Of Bays 4 4
vCPU 768 2048
RAM 1024 GB DDR4 768 GB DDR4
Storage (Block, Object & FileSystem) 16 TB Unified Storage 10 TB Unified Storage
Connection 1 GBit/s-Port 1 GBit/s-Port
Average VM Size 2 vCPU, 4GB RAM & 20 GB HDD
Total virtual Servers 384 384
Technical Specifications StratoCumulus (Model -PIN-HCI-32-768-48)
CPU Dual Intel Xeon GOLD 6149 Processor
Cores/Threads/Cache/Base Frequency 16C/32T/22M/3.1GHz
Motherboard MR91FS0
RAM 768 GB (ECC) (DDR4)
GPU None
NVMe (M.2) 256GB x2 (RAID 1)
256GB x2 (RAID 1) 9361-8i (12GBPS)
HDD 12TB X 4 = 48TB (RAID5)
PSU Dual Power Supply (Y)
Form Factor 1U
No.Of Bays 4
vCPU 512
Storage (Block, Object & FileSystem) 16 TB Unified Storage
Connection 1 GBit/s-Port
Average VM Size 2 vCPU, 4GB RAM & 20 GB HDD
Total Virtual Server 256

Exhaustive list of categories of OpenSource softwares & tools that can be hostines in Pinakastra Cloud seamlessly.

Category Technologies
Guest Operating System Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, Rocky Linux etc.) Use Case(s): Analytics and Big Data, Backup and Disaster Recovery, Database and Business Critical Apps, End-User Computing/Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, Enterprise cloud, Files and Objects, High Performance, High performance, multithread architecture workloads (VDI, database), IT Apps, Private Cloud, Rack Dense VDI, Server Virtualization.
Databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, MariaDB, Redis, CouchDB
Web Servers Web Servers Apache HTTP Server, Nginx, Lighttpd, Cherokee
Application Servers WildFly, Apache Tomcat, JBoss EAP, GlassFish, Payara Server
Directory Services OpenLDAP, FreeIPA, Apache Directory Server, 389 Directory Server
Docker Containers Docker, Podman, Containerd, rkt, Kubernetes, Swarm
Big Data Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Kafka, Apache HBase
Development Tools Git, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code, Atom
DevOps Tools Jenkins, Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Terraform, Kubernetes, Helm
Mobile App Development React Native, Flutter, Apache Cordova, Xamarin, PhoneGap
Engineering Software FreeCAD, Blender, OpenSCAD, LibreCAD, KiCad, OpenFOAM
Cybersecurity Tools Wireshark, Snort, Metasploit, OpenVAS, Suricata, OSSEC